Our vision is high-quality and sustainable health care for all.
We work throughout our province’s health care system.
Our work takes its shape from the priorities of British Columbia’s health care system. We move to where we are needed, collaborating with patients, caregivers, the public and those working across all areas of care in our relentless pursuit of quality.
We have seen an increasing number of individuals and organizations become engaged in creating an inclusive health care system and improving the quality of care. We are thrilled and motivated by the growth of this improvement community, and will continue to provide leadership and build connections to support these dedicated community partners.
We help make high-quality care a reality.
Quality care is respectful, appropriate and accessible. It is safe and effective. It is equitable and efficient. It recognizes that every patient has a unique journey, that local context is key, and that everyone touched by the system needs to be engaged in collaborative partnership to achieve high quality and sustainable health care for all. We help make quality care a reality by partnering with each of British Columbia’s health authorities, with health organizations and academic institutions, and with all who share our passion.
We believe an inclusive approach is essential to improving quality of care.
Better health care is achieved through engaging patients, caregivers, communities and the public as partners in care. We engage people in our work, and provide support and resources so that they are meaningfully included in activities led by health care organizations throughout the province.