What is the BC Sepsis Network
The BC Sepsis Network is a highly visible member of the global sepsis community, participating in the first Annual Global Sepsis Congress and annual World Sepsis Day campaigns, and has been an early adopter of new Centre for Disease Control sepsis resources.
Join the Network
The BC Sepsis Network is a highly visible member of the global sepsis community, participating in the first Annual Global Sepsis Congress and annual World Sepsis Day campaigns, and has been an early adopter of new Centre for Disease Control sepsis resources.
Fill out the form below to stay informed about our work, events and learning opportunities. You will receive newsletters that originate from our provider, CyberImpact, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Questions? Contact us at sepsis@healthqualitybc.ca. See below for an inventory of past BC Sepsis Network Newsletters.
This information is collected by the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of event administration and to distribute newsletters. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact: Sybil Hoiss, Leader, Strategic Initiatives, 201-750 Pender Street W, Vancouver, BC at 778.363.9165 or shoiss@bcpsqc.ca.
Past Newsletters
May BC Sepsis Network Newsletter | Free Virtual Access to Quality Forum 2022! (May 2022)
April BC Sepsis Network Newsletter | Register for the World Sepsis Congress Spotlight! (April 2022)
February BC Sepsis Network Newsletter (February 2022)
Improved Sepsis Care in BC: 981 Cases & 172 Deaths Averted (October 2021)
Reminder: Join Today’s World Sepsis Day Events (September 2021)
Register Now for World Sepsis Day Events (September 2021)
Register Now for World Sepsis Day Events (August 2021)
Register for the World Sepsis Congress | Free Virtual Sepsis Simulations (April 2021)
Register for the Pacific Northwest Sepsis Conference with Top BC Presenters | Challenging Conversations Guide (March 2021)