Become a Low-Carbon Champion
We bring health system partners together to accelerate action on key quality of care issues. Improving clinical care while decreasing the carbon footprint is one of them.
Throughout the province, we have been experiencing the impacts of climate change, from extreme weather events, devastating wildfires and damaging floods. These climate related impacts not only disrupt how we access health services but also contribute to increased health risks like heat-related illnesses, respiratory conditions and stress, anxiety and trauma.1
Despite working towards supporting the health and wellness of people, health care services add to the climate crisis, with upwards of 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions coming from health systems.2
What can we do?
Health care professionals are well positioned to decrease the environmental costs of how we deliver care. Changing individual clinical practice, influencing health system decision-makers and setting clinical standards can help move us in the right direction.
Sign up to join us as part of our distributive leadership network and become a Low-Carbon Champion. You’ll receive resources, links to webinars and learning opportunities that focus on improving quality through a low-carbon lens.
Questions? Email lowcarbon@healthqualitybc.ca
Sign Up to be a Low-Carbon Champion!
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This information is collected by Health Quality BC under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of event administration and to distribute newsletters. If you have any questions about the collection of this information, please contact: Andrea Wnuk, Leader, Strategic Initiatives, 201-750 Pender Street W, Vancouver, BC at 778.988.1327 or andrea.wnuk@healthqualitybc.ca.
- Addressing Climate and Health Risks in BC. Health Fact Sheet. British Columbia Ministry of Health. 2023. Available from: final_climate_change_and_health_backgrounder_overview.pdf (gov.bc.ca)
- Lenzen, M., Malik, A., Li, M., Fry, J., Weisz, H., Pichler, P-P., Suveges Moereira Chaves, L., Capon, A., and D. Pencheon. The environmental footprint of health care: a global assessment. The Lancet. Planetary Health. July 2020 4(7):E271-E279. Available from: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(20)30121-2/fulltext