Two inspiring events, one powerful evening!
We open Quality Forum with a special evening that both inspires and stimulates – the Health Talks and BC Quality Awards presentations. It’s a perfect activity for anyone seeking an inspirational end to their day – and you don’t have to be a Quality Forum participant to attend!
BC Quality Awards
The evening begins with a ceremony to recognize the winners of our annual BC Quality Awards, which celebrate the people and projects that are improving the quality of care in our province. Because of their work, people in BC have better quality health care.
Health Talks
After the Quality Awards, we move to Health Talks, where we feature a diverse group of awesome speakers who will all answer the question: What are your hopes for health care? These are not to be missed – our speakers’ stories will encourage, inspire and move you, and they are powerful because of the format that Health Talks follows.
As a Powered by PechaKucha event, Health Talks’ speakers don’t use presentations full of bullet points. Instead, they use the PechaKucha presentation style, which is a visual storytelling platform that simplifies the artful process of inspiring others. The 20×20 format is short and simple: each presentation contains 20 photos and each photo is displayed for exactly 20 seconds before automatically advancing to the next one.
Health Talks Student Contest
Have you ever dreamed of a better health care system and had ideas you believe could make a difference?
All students in BC – post-secondary, high school and elementary school – are welcome to apply.
Enter today for your chance to take the stage alongside a diverse group of speakers and potentially inspire a change to BC’s health care system!
The winner will also receive one complimentary registration to Quality Forum 2025 (March 12 & 13). Your hope, or hopes, for health care can be anything. Outside the box. Based on experience or a vision for the future. Micro or macro. Your options are limitless.
It starts with thinking about this question: What are your hopes for health care?
How to Apply
Once you have your idea in mind, tell us about it using any of the following formats:
If selected as our winner, you will receive one-to-one support with your presentation from our awesome team at Health Quality BC.
Apply by October 18, 2024
Health Talks Student Contest
Have you ever dreamed of a better health care system and had ideas you believe could make a difference?
All students in BC – post-secondary, high school and elementary school – are welcome to apply.
Enter today for your chance to take the stage alongside a diverse group of speakers and potentially inspire a change to BC’s health care system!
The winner will also receive one complimentary registration to Quality Forum 2025 (March 12 & 13). Your hope, or hopes, for health care can be anything. Outside the box. Based on experience or a vision for the future. Micro or macro. Your options are limitless.
It starts with thinking about this question: What are your hopes for health care?
How to Apply
Once you have your idea in mind, tell us about it using any of the following formats:
If selected as our winner, you will receive one-to-one support with your presentation from our awesome team at Health Quality BC.
Apply by October 18, 2024
Quality Forum 2025 Health Talks Student Contest Poster
Past Student Health Talk Winners
2023 Student Contest Winner
Aija Chaney
Douglas College, Bachelor of Science, Nursing, 2nd Year
2024 Student Contest Winner
Cameron Lee
Grade 11 Student/Research Assistant
St. George’s School/Sanatani Lab