Navigating Climate Anxiety: Ideas and Suggestions

Thank you for registering for the Navigating Climate Anxiety Virtual Gathering. We are seeking your input on the actions that we developed during this gathering. This is an opportunity to provide feedback on suggested actions and provide additional suggestions. The feedback you submit in this form will directly inform our summary report from the Navigating Climate Anxiety Virtual Gathering.

You are encouraged to provide feedback even if you were not able to attend the gathering. We greatly appreciate your time and if you have more to add, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Please select the option that best describes your experience of the event.

Did you attend Navigating Climate Anxiety: A Virtual Gathering on June 14, 2024?(Required)
Please select one.

Please review the action items developed for each level. We welcome your feedback on the proposed actions and any additional ideas that you have.

• Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

• Utilize sustainable transport.

• Attend events and normalize speaking about climate anxiety.

• Share inspiring stories to build motivation and hope about the future.

• Educate yourself on steps that can be taken to address climate change.

• Give yourself permission to not be perfect.

• Ground yourself with the people and places around you.

• Share accurate information with your networks and organizations.

• Learn language to communicate about climate emotions and feelings.

Ideas and suggestions for individual level actions:
• Proactively plan for climate or extreme weather events.

• Provide holistic care during climate events.

• Develop supports for people responding to climate events.

• Ensure there are post-events supports to help address trauma and PTSD.

• Recognize this work is challenging and remain adaptable; best-practices are changing rapidly.

• Make structural changes that support green practices by staff (e.g. increase number of bike lockers).

• Encourage sustainable actions by staff (e.g. closing blinds).

• Develop a planetary health structure.

Ideas and suggestions for organization & team level actions:
• Communities and governments need to invest in green infrastructure pro-actively.

• Government mandates may be required for organizations to prioritize this work as there are many competing priorities.

• Align priorities around ensuring a livable future for the younger generation.

• Provide support for planetary health work at an individual, organizational and community level.

• Provide accurate education at a large scale about climate anxiety and climate change.

• Promote positive work taking place across the system/province.

• Bring people together any way possible for these conversations (e.g. building or community events).

Ideas and suggestions for system level actions:

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