January 2025 – September 2025
It Starts With Asking Why
Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care Action Series
Join our action series to improve resident quality of life through sustainable practices around the appropriate use of antipsychotics in long-term care (AUA in LTC).
Provincial collaborations like these are what make a difference for this sector…
Improving Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Homes
Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our loved ones living in Long-Term Care (LTC) homes by rethinking the role of antipsychotics used to manage behaviours. Let’s start with asking, “Why?” Why are we giving this medication, and what behaviours are we trying to change?
Did You Know?
By reducing the use of antipsychotic medications in long-term care, we can decrease the risk of several adverse effects.
AUA in LTC Action Series Overview
This video provides an overview of the AUA in LTC Action Series and what you can expect from participation.
In this Action Series, LTC homes will learn from each other, and from clinical and quality improvement experts, on how to embed sustainable practices that support the appropriate use of antipsychotics (AUA). Utilizing a new interactive toolkit, learning webinars and coaching calls, you will be guided through identifying your home’s strengths and priority areas, and taking action to reduce unnecessary antipsychotic medications in a safe manner, when appropriate.
Focus is on 8 Key Elements to Facilitate Quality of Life Improvements
Expectations of Participation
To fully engage in the program, participating LTC homes are expected to:
There is no cost to participate.
AUA in LTC Action Series Timeline
Learning webinars all take place from 1200-1300 PT. At least one member of your team is expected to attend. Each webinar will be followed by an optional 30-minute Q&A session with clinical and quality improvement experts.
Each month there will be one-hour group coaching calls scheduled. After registration closes, coaching groups will be organized by health regions and topic areas. One-to-one coaching supports will also be available to care homes on an as-needed basis.
Following each coaching call, care homes will use their AUA in LTC Improvement Guide to bring ideas into practice in their home and share milestones at the following month’s coaching call. To support your improvement journey, a template will be provided for data submissions and will be due at the end of each month.
January 10, 2025
Last Day to Register
January 22, 2025
Learning Webinar 1
Getting started with the toolkit
January 31, 2025
Complete self-assessment
February 19, 2025
Learning Webinar 2
Priorities in your AUA work
March 19, 2025
Learning Webinar 3
Interdisciplinary team approaches
May 21, 2025
Learning Webinar 4
Deep dive into the 8 key elements
September 17, 2025
Learning Webinar 5
Celebrating and holding the gains
AUA in LTC Action Series Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question that’s not answered here? Reach out to us at longtermcare@healthqualitybc.ca.
Ready to improve the lives of residents in your long-term care home?
Register Now for the It Starts With Asking Why Appropriate Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care Action Series
Collection Notice: This information is collected by Health Quality BC under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act for the purposes of delivering the AUA in LTC action series. If you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact us at longtermcare@healthqualitybc.ca.