Enabling a Healthy Workforce to Provide Person-Centred Care (January 2023 – December 2023)
Reimagining LTC is another collaboration with Healthcare Excellence Canada. Participating care homes across the country are receiving seed funding, coaching, resources and monthly webinar supports to work on a quality improvement project. In BC, teams are focusing on the appropriate use of antipsychotic medications and receiving additional collaborative supports through the Council and our clinical experts and regional partners. This is an opportunity to improve the experience of care for residents, their families, and staff through a relational quality of life approach.
Our BC coaching sessions will aim to provide just-in-time, facilitated discussions and shared learning based on current needs in each care home. Teams will apply strategies and take action to support people with dementia and challenging behaviours with thoughtful assessment and non-pharmacological approaches to improve their quality of life by reducing or discontinuing their antipsychotics.