• 2011


  • Runner-Up


  • Returning to Health & Wellness

This award was formally named “Getting Better”. Our Excellence in Quality category names changed in 2020 to reflect the updates to our BC Health Quality Matrix. Visit our Categories and Criteria page to find out more.


  • Registered Nurses – 70
  • Emergency Department Physicians – 26
  • Nursing Unit Assistants – 10
  • Registered Care Aides – 6
  • Social Work – 2
  • Seniors Team – 6
  • A full list of team members names is available upon request

Contact: Nanaimo Regional General Hospital Emergency Department – Suzanne Fox, Emergency Department Staff- RNs, Physicians, SW, RCAs (Suzanne Fox), Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Vancouver Island Health Authority, suzanne.fox@viha.ca

Description: Established a shared departmental vision to provide a foundation for a culture which supports process and quality improvements. Increases in patient satisfaction and health care workers’ front-line leadership in quality and safety are imprtant elements of this culture change.

Nominated by: Ms. Suzanne Fox & Dr. Drew Digney, Manager Emergency Services, Medical Daycare, Cancer Clinic and Medical Clinics & Site Chief, Emergency & Trauma Services, Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Vancouver Island Health Authority