• 2011


  • Runner-Up


  • Coping with Transition from Life

This award was formally named “Coping with End of Life”. Our Excellence in Quality category names changed in 2020 to reflect the updates to our BC Health Quality Matrix. Visit our Categories and Criteria page to find out more.

There are 7 AHIC committees across Northern Health (NH):

Membership consists of representatives from the neighboring  Aboriginal communities (eg Health Directors), First Nations Health Council, First Nations Inuit Health, Métis, Northern Health Leadership and staff, and other Aboriginal organizations.

The committees are the responsibility of NH Health Services Administrators who often chair or co-chair these with their Aboriginal partners. Overseen by the
NH Aboriginal Health Department (AH)

  • Agnes Snow, the Director of Aboriginal Health
  • Dr. Suzanne Johnston, The VP of Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Officer
  • Victoria Stewart, in her role as Lead, AH Engagement and Integration also provides support to the AHICs
  • Joan Greenlees, the Admin Assistant with AH and local administrative staff in each region,  provide administrative support to the AHICs.

Each committee has 20- 30 members; so overall there are approximately 160 individuals currently sitting on the 7 committees across the north. A complete list of  members can be provided upon request.

Contact: Aboriginal  Health Improvement Committees- Agnes Snow, Regional Director of Aboriginal Health, 7 committees across the Northern Health region, Northern Health, agnes.snow@northernhealth.ca

Description: Aboriginal Health Improvement Committees identify health issues facing the Aboriginal communities and work in partnership  together to  address these concerns. An evaluation of the program showed improvements in communication, awareness and collaboration in addressing these issues.

Nominated by: Ms. Victoria Stewart, Lead, Aboriginal Health Engagement and Integration, Prince Rupert Regional Hospital, Northern Health