• 2011


  • Winner


  • Strengthening Health & Wellness

This award was formally named “Staying Healthy”. Our Excellence in Quality category names changed in 2020 to reflect the updates to our BC Health Quality Matrix. Visit our Categories and Criteria page to find out more.

The Pharmacists and Immunization Working Group (PIWG) members are:

  • Fawziah Marra – 2010/11 co-chair (BC Center for Disease Control – BCCDC)
  • Barbara Gobis – Ogle 2010/11 and 2011/12 co-chair (Ministry of Health – MoH)
  • Donna Jepsen – (MoH)
  • Andrea Derban – 2011/12 co-chair (MoH)
  • Aileen Mira – (MoH)
  • Brittany Deeter – (BCCDC)
  • Issy Aguiar – (Interior Health)
  • Donna McNeill – (Vancouver Island Health)
  • Felicity Hemming – (Fraser Health)
  • Tamsin Morgana – (Vancouver Coastal Health)
  • Jill Walker – (Northern Health)
  • Bryce Wong – (BC Pharmacy Association)
  • Doreen Leong – (College of Pharmacists of BC)
  • Glenda MacDonald – (UBC – Continuing Pharmacy Professional Development)
  • Karen McColgan – (First Nations/Inuit Health).

Contact: Barbara Gobis Ogle, Director, Utilization, Drug Use Optimization Branch, Pharmaceutical Services Division, BC Ministry of Health, Barbara.GobisOgle@gov.bc.ca

Description: The Pharmacists and Immunization Working Group facilitated authorized pharmacists administering publicly funded influenza vaccine to 48,502 people in BC in the 2010/11 provincial campaign.  This initiative improved public health while reducing costs for the health system across the province.

Nominated by: Ms. Barbara Gobis Ogle, Director, Utilization, Drug Use Optimization Branch, Pharmaceutical Services Division, BC Ministry of Health