- Quality Forum
Cathy Ulrich – Implementing Change for Healthy Communities

Health Talks invited eight speakers — representing both health care and the public — to answer our question using the exciting Pecha Kucha presentation format: What are your hopes for health care?
Cathy Ulrich became president and chief executive officer of Northern Health on June 15 2007. Ms. Ulrich brings a wide range of experience and strong academic qualifications to the CEO’s position. She has spent the majority of her career in rural and northern locations where she gained a solid understanding of the nature of rural and northern communities, their health needs and concerns, and the unique approaches required to meet these needs.
As Northern Health’s vice-president of clinical services and chief nursing officer from 2002 until her appointment as CEO in 2007, Ms. Ulrich successfully garnered and engaged resources for rural and northern health initiatives. She’s been actively engaged in health services research, teaching and graduate student support.
Health Talks was emceed by Gavin Stuart, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice Provost, Health, at the University of British Columbia.