COVID-19 Through a Quality Lens: How a Pandemic Pushed Advance Care Planning to the Forefront

COVID-19 Through a Quality Lens: How a Pandemic Pushed Advance Care Planning to the Forefront | 2020-09-22
In phase one of COVID-19, primary and community care providers knew they needed to reach out to people with chronic or serious illness who were suddenly at risk of becoming sick quickly. In acute care, restrictions on visitors highlighted the importance of early identification of substitute decision makers before patients become incapable and couldn’t make decisions for themselves.
The importance of planning ahead before you are sick has never been more evident than it is now. COVID-19 has reminded us, professionally and personally, of our mortality and the benefits of planning in advance. Have you started the advance care planning process for yourself?
In this webinar, you will learn how the Fraser Health Advance Care Planning Team responded to the increased need to support patients in advance care planning by:
- Creating COVID-19 specific tools such as Serious Illness Conversations Guide and supportive tools such as an Identification of Substitute Decision Maker form while following internal collaborative processes
- Ensuring new tools and resources were readily available for internal and external partners
- Providing virtual education on tools and resources that met the needs of various disciplines and care settings
Cari Borenko (Hoffmann),
Lead Advance Care Planning, Fraser Health Clinical Instructor, Dept of Medicine, UBC
Kelly Johnson,
Advance Care Planning Nurse Clinician Fraser North, Regional Advance Care Planning Team Fraser Health
Nav Prihar,
Advance Care Planning Nurse Clinician Fraser East, Regional Advance Care Planning Team Fraser Health
Lauren Thomas,
Advance Care Planning Nurse Clinician Fraser South, Regional Advance Care Planning Team Fraser Health
Click here to access the Prezi Presentation from this webinar