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  • Quality Forum 2020

Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum: Health & the Climate Crisis


Diarmid is the coordinator of the climate change and health program at the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters. His training is on the ecology of infectious disease and public health, and he has worked on climate change and health for 20 years.

Diarmid has played key roles in the development of the first quantitative estimates of the overall health impacts of climate change, resolutions of the World Health Assembly, the first three WHO global conferences on health and climate, and the expansion of WHO’s climate change and health program, which has now provided direct support to over 30 low- and middle-income countries.

Diarmid is the author of over 80 journal papers, reports and book chapters on the ecology and control of infectious disease, and on the health implications of global environmental change. He is a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Extreme Events, the health chapter of the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, and the first health report to the UN Climate Negotiations.

Recently, climate change has become a large part of public health discussions. To help reduce carbon emissions, Diarmid, as well as his team at the World Health Organization, are limiting travel and choosing to deliver virtual presentations whenever possible. Diarmid will present live from Geneva, Switzerland straight to our Quality Forum audience! His talk will also be livestreamed so it can be viewed and shared globally.

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