- Quality Forum
Doug Cochrane – Team Work Is Fundamental to the Future

Doug Cochrane is the chair and provincial patient safety & quality officer of the BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, and past chair of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute. Doug is a professor at the University of British Columbia in Neurosurgery, a certificant of the American Board of Pediatric Neurological Surgery, and a Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics.
Doug delivered the night’s final presentation at Health Talks: Bold Ideas to Transform Health Care, where 10 inspiring speakers, comprising a blend of health care providers and the public, shared their hopes for the health care system using the Pecha Kucha-powered 20 x 20 format (20 slides, 20 seconds each). His experience in health care and dedication to improving health care delivery was very evident, and his presentation was timed perfectly as he described his hope: better team work within the health care system.