- Quality Forum
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- Quality Forum 2019
Jeffrey Braithwaite: Big Systems Transformation in the Context of Complexity

Jeffrey Braithwaite is Founding Director of the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Director of the Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science and Professor of Health Systems Research, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. He spoke at Quality Forum 2019 on Wednesday, February 27.
Jeffrey has appointments at six other universities internationally, is a board member and President Elect of the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and consultant to the World Health Organization (WHO).
His research examines the changing nature of health systems and the quality and safety of care, which has attracted funding of more than AUD $111 million. He is particularly interested in health care as a complex adaptive system, and applying complexity science to health care problems.
Jeffrey has contributed over 450 refereed publications, and has presented at international and national conferences on more than 900 occasions, including 90 keynote addresses. His research appears in journals such as The BMJ, JAMA, The Lancet, Social Science & Medicine, BMJ Quality and Safety and the International Journal for Quality in Health Care. He has received over 40 different national and international awards for his teaching and research.