- Quality Forum
Judy Pryce – Linking Health Care and Communities

Judy Pryce is a member of the Patient Voices Network and her hope for health care is a system that is better linked to the community. Judy was one of eight speakers — representing both health care and the public — to use the exciting Pecha Kucha presentation format to answer our question: What are your hopes for health care?
Passionate about accessible, sustainable and affordable health care, Judy Pryce is an “activated member” of the Patient Voices Network. She lives with chronic pain and has direct personal experience with children’s mental health and care of frail elderly people. Judy’s work is leading large, transformational projects.
Judy is a Principal with the Deetken Group, Managing Director of the myo Clinic, and serves as board director for the Victoria Foundation and Pain BC. Past positions include: Principal Consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Associate Partner at IBM, Executive Director with the Province of BC and Auxiliary Constable with the RCMP.
Health Talks was emceed by Gavin Stuart, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice Provost, Health, at the University of British Columbia.