• Substance Use

LOUD in PC Webinar – Improving Communications, Workflows and Processes for OAT Prescribing – July 24, 2024


This webinar focused on how primary care teams can improve OAT prescribing by looking at their communications, workflows and processes. We discussed internal communications within the team and communications with other partners in care.


  • Cole Stanley, Family Physician, Vancouver; QI Lead, Hope to Health; Medical Director, Health Data Coalition
  • Erin Thomson, Administration & OAT, ANKORS, Nelson
  • Jodi Cunningham, Pharmacist, Vernon
  • Ramm Hering, Addiction Medicine Physician, Island Health

Learning Objectives
After the webinar, the learner will be able to:

  1. Discuss how communications, workflows and processes directly impact patient care and OAT retention.
  2. Identify opportunities to improve communications, workflows or processes in your care setting.

Key Moments:

  • Panel Introductions
    • Erin Thomson, Administration & OAT, ANKORS, Nelson – 0:10 – 8:15
    • Cole Stanley, Family Physician, Vancouver; QI Lead, Hope to Health; Medical Director, Health Data Coalition – 8:48 – 13:37
    • Ramm Hering, Addiction Medicine Physician, Island Health – 14:07 – 19:18
    • Jodi Cunningham, Pharmacist, Vernon – 20:00 – 27:59
  • Q&A
    • Can you share any resources for EMR data quality and integrity, or best practices for collecting data on things like OAT restart? 28:45 – 30:37
    • What advice do you have for a team just getting started with OAT, particularly those who finished POATSP training but are struggling moving into action? 30:38 – 32:58
    • What process do you have to improve retention on OAT for the ‘difficult to reach’ populations, e.g. people without phones? 32:59 – 38:57
    • How can we work with our health authorities in advocacy of working with nurse prescribers to improve reach and retention in remote regions? 38:58 – 39:26
    • How can I find outreach workers in my community? 39:26 – 41:11
    • What processes have worked well for collaboration between physicians and nurse prescribers? 41:12 – 42:37
    • How do I balance drop-in appointments with the need to book patients in for visits? 42:38 – 43:59

Resources Shared:

  • BC Provincial Pharmacy Initiatives Update Webinar – July 25, 2024 – Register Now
  • Building Pharmacy-Clinic Relationship Tool (LOUD in PC) – Download Now
  • Community Action Teams (Community Action Initiative) – Learn More
  • OAT Community Asset Inventory & Relationship Building Tool (LOUD in PC) – Download Now
  • OAT Prescribing Escalation Pathway Tool (LOUD in PC) – Download Now
  • Practice Support Program (including services for coaching for EMR, QI, etc.) – Learn More
  • SPARCBC and pre-paid phones through grants – Learn More

Watch the Recording