Panel Presentation: The Application of a Restorative Approach in BC

Joe Gallagher – Vice President of Indigenous Health & Cultural Safety | Provincial Health Services Authority
Monica McAlduff – Chief Nursing Officer & Vice President of Quality and Cultural Safety & Humility | First Nations Health Authority
Tanya Davoren – Executive Director, Health, Mental Health & Harm Reduction, Elders & Veterans Wellness | Métis Nation BC
The panel brought First Nations and Métis Perspectives in three presentations centered on the intersection between a Restorative Approach and Indigenous-Specific Anti-Racism (ISAR).
- Representing the FNHA, Monica McAlduff presented five themes on re-setting the relationship between settler-colonial systems and First Nations through embedding Indigenous-specific anti-racism and cultural safety and humility into a Restorative Approach.
- Representing PHSA, Joe Gallagher elaborated on how health systems have been designed to cause harm to Indigenous people. Gallager shared teachings of the Coast Salish people that are integral to a Restorative Approach and called for Indigenous-Specific Anti-Racism to be at the center of the table in all discussions around health system transformation.
- Lastly, Tanya Davoren provided an overview of the Métis Nation BC’s 2023-2027 strategic plan, outlining their 6 goals to advance the Métis government’s mission.