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  • Quality Forum 2022

Quality Forum 2022: Plenary Presentation – Shawn “Ah up wa eek” & Heather “Ya’ak chumat axa” Atleo


Shawn “Ah up wa eek” & Heather “Ya’ak chumat axa” Atleo
Founders, Atleo Centre for Compassionate Leadership

Shawn “Ah up wa eek” Atleo was twice elected National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). A Hereditary Chief of the Ahousaht First Nation, he also served as Regional Chief of the BC AFN, founding the BC First Nations Leadership Council, which brought together senior First Nations leadership organizations to work together.

Heather “Ya’ak chumat axa” Atleo is of Blackfoot ancestry and is an experienced leader in the area of conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation, senior strategic analysis, and facilitation. She has worked with and for First Nations communities and leadership for more than 20 years.

Together, Shawn and Heather are partners in life and work and engage in a full co-leadership approach in a variety of intersecting streams including education, business and politics, while always connecting in mental and emotional health and well-being. Founders of the Atleo Centre for Compassionate Leadership, they provide compassionate leadership coaching and training founded on Indigenous philosophy and worldviews as well as mainstream advancements in areas such as child development, non-violent communication and empathy. They continue to work to advance First Nations reconciliation.

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