• Cultural Safety and Humility

Sharing Concerns: Principles to Guide the Development of an Indigenous Patient Feedback Process

Recommendation 5 of the In Plain Sight report calls on the health system to create an integrated, accessible and culturally appropriate complaints process for Indigenous peoples in BC. In support of this recommendation, we hosted a provincial dialogue that brought together more than 100 people from health care organizations, Indigenous patients, families and caregivers to explore how the process can be improved.

The provincial dialogue generated a list of principles intended to lay the foundation for creating a safe, accessible and meaningful process for Indigenous patients and families to share their experiences within BC’s health system. We’re highlighting the importance of each principle and providing examples of how they can be put into action in a new resource, Sharing Concerns: Principles to Guide the Development of an Indigenous Patient Feedback Process.

2024 Updates to Sharing Concerns

In this updated edition of Sharing Concerns, you’ll find new information that reflects the feedback we received in our January 2024 evaluation. Each principle will include two new sections – Examples of Actions already taken by BC’s regional health authorities and regulatory bodies based on the tenets of that principle, as well as Recommendations for Improvement to continue to make a safer, more appropriate, and more responsive process to gather and respond to feedback from Indigenous patients and their families. This new information complements the existing sections about why each of the nine principles are important and what principle-focused action looks like. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the evaluation of Sharing Concerns and acknowledge with respect their ongoing dedication to a safer and more culturally appropriate pathway to gather and respond to Indigenous patient feedback.

Sharing Concerns: Principles to Guide the Development of an Indigenous Patient Feedback Process