Enhance Your Team’s Cohesion, Dynamics, and Patient Outcomes

Join Our Virtual Teamwork & Communication Action Series

Series Starts November 14, 2024

Elevate your team’s performance and improve patient outcomes by mastering essential non-technical skills through our interactive and expert-led action series.

Teamwork & Communication Action Series Overview

In this interactive series, your interdisciplinary team will work through five modules to master the skills needed for effective teamwork and communication.

This was an amazing opportunity for our team to build on our strengths and improve them.

Past Participant
  • Enhance Team Culture: Understand the role of non-technical skills in job satisfaction and patient outcomes.
  • Improve Communication: Discover key elements that contribute to successful communication.
  • Utilize New Tools: Implement tools that foster better teamwork and communication within your team.
  • Navigate Conflict: Explore strategies for effectively managing and resolving conflicts.
  • Lead with Confidence: Apply foundational leadership skills to drive culture change in your team.
  • Bonus: Receive personalized coaching from our expert facilitators to help your team apply these skills in real-world scenarios.

Research Highlights the Benefits of Enhancing Teamwork and Communication

Reduced Medical Errors

Improved Patient Outcomes

Enhanced Patient Satisfaction

Reduced Hospital Readmissions

Decreased Burnout

Fewer Adverse Events

Is This Program Right for Your Team?

Our Teamwork & Communication Action Series is ideal for interdisciplinary clinical teams who want to improve their teamwork and communication, whether you are a newly formed team or looking to enhance your existing skills.

Requirements for participation include:

  • A minimum of four team members
  • Participation from at least two different disciplines
  • An identified Team Lead for the Action Series

I felt empowered to incorporate what I learned into my daily work.

Past Participant

Additional Things to Know

  • There is no cost to participate.
  • Teams will receive a Certificate of Completion.
  • Coaching support from expert facilitators included.

Expectations of Participation

To fully engage in the program, participants are expected to attend all five learning sessions, submit the required action period work, complete all team assessments, and provide feedback through course evaluations.

Why Focus on Non-Technical Skills?

While technical skills are vital in health care, non-technical skills like leadership, communication, and teamwork play an equally significant role in patient outcomes and workplace safety.

We’ve seen improved behavior and communication around conflict.

Past Participant

Positive shifts in team culture benefit not only health care providers and teams but also organizations by:

  • Reducing work-related conflict and stress
  • Fostering communication that mitigates harassment and bullying
  • Improving job satisfaction and workplace well-being
  • Enhancing patient outcomes, including lower mortality rates, fewer complications, and higher patient satisfaction

Action Series Timeline

Mandatory Learning Sessions and optional, but highly recommended, Coaching Sessions all take place from 1200 – 1300 PT.

November 14, 2024

Learning Session

Foundations for Strong Teamwork and Communication

November 21, 2024

Coaching Session

December 5, 2024

Learning Session

Engaging in Unstructured Communication

December 12, 2024

Coaching Session

January 9, 2025

Learning Session

Leveraging Structured Communication

January 16, 2025

Coaching Session

January 30, 2025

Learning Session

Navigating Conflict Effectively

February 6, 2025

Coaching Session

February 20, 2025

Learning Session

Trust and Leadership

February 27, 2025

Coaching Session

Each Learning Session will be followed by an Action Period where teams translate theory into practice.

Action Series Timeline

Mandatory Learning Sessions and optional, but highly recommended, Coaching Sessions all take place from 1200 – 1300 PT.

November 14, 2024

Learning Session

Foundations for Strong Teamwork and Communication

November 21, 2024

Coaching Session

December 5, 2024

Learning Session

Engaging in Unstructured Communication

December 12, 2024

Coaching Session

January 9, 2025

Learning Session

Leveraging Structured Communication

January 16, 2025

Coaching Session

January 30, 2025

Learning Session

Navigating Conflict Effectively

February 6, 2025

Coaching Session

February 20, 2025

Learning Session

Trust and Leadership

February 27, 2025

Coaching Session

Each Learning Session will be followed by an Action Period where teams translate theory into practice.

Teamwork & Communication Actions Series Frequently Asked Questions

  • Five interactive sessions teaching new skills and techniques for your team to employ in improving teamwork and communication
  • Sessions are followed by action periods, during which teams translate theory into practice
  • Participating teams share their results from each action period with each other
  • Virtual support is available to teams during the action periods
  • There is strong evidence that effective teamwork is associated with better patient outcomes
  • The Joint Commission identified communication breakdown as the most common cause in 63% of adverse events
  • This learning session series will provide practical training for you and your team to improve its teamwork and communication
  • All teams will be awarded a certificate of completion, after fulfilling the requirements of the action series

The action series is designed for clinical teams of between four and ten people, and will should include two or more disciplines in order to participate, such as:

  • nursing staff
  • physicians
  • care aides
  • clerks
  • allied health staff
  • directors of care
  • team leaders
  • educators
  • therapists
  • pharmacists
  • senior leaders / sponsors
  • facility staff

Teams must attend all five learning sessions, and commit to practicing within and sharing across teams between action periods.

Teams working in administration health care-related roles can participate.

Nothing! This is a free opportunity for teams across BC.

By participating in the action series, you and your team members will learn to…

  • Recognize the importance of team culture and non-technical skills
  • Identify elements that contribute to successful communication
  • Use new and effective tools to enhance teamwork and communication within your team
  • Explore ways to effectively navigate conflict with others
  • Apply foundational leadership skills for culture change

Have a question that’s not answered here? Reach out to us at teamwork@healthqualitybc.ca.

Ready to Elevate Your Team’s Performance?

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your team’s dynamics and make a lasting impact on patient outcomes.

Series Starts November 14, 2024

Want to know more before registering? Email us at teamwork@healthqualitybc.ca.