Workshop: Improving Health Care Systems Through Patient Safety Event Reviews

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October 24 | 0900 1600

Health Quality BC

Health Quality BC

201-750 Pender St W
Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8
Health Quality BC Workshops

Event Description

Patient safety reviews and learning are an important component of health systems. Many frameworks, approaches, methodologies and tools exist to explore, investigate, analyze, and recommend improvements to providing care.

However, this complexity can be overwhelming and cause confusion on where to start and how to facilitate these reviews with actionable outcomes.

Join us for this interactive skill-building workshop that will explore principles and tools to support patient safety reviews. Participants will be guided through prompting questions to provide guidance of how and when to apply these principles.

Some questions will include:

  • Why are patient safety reviews important?
  • How can we identify patient safety events?
  • How can we review patient safety events in a way that takes a systems approach while supporting individuals impacted by these events?
  • How can we incorporate learnings from these reviews into meaningful and impactful system change?
  • How can we make space and focus on “what went well” or “what went right” during patient safety events?

Participants will learn principles to innovate, collaborate, and adapt to factors relating to how work is done and how to apply tools to improve performance and patient safety outcomes.

Improving Health Care Systems Through Patient Safety Event Reviews Workshop Registrations

Event Details

Workshop: Improving Health Care Systems Through Patient Safety Event Reviews

Date and Time

October 24, 2024 | 0900 – 1600


Health Quality BC


Health Quality BC

201-750 Pender St W

Health Quality BC HQBC Square Icon with Name Logo White

Providing system-wide leadership to efforts designed to improve the quality of health care in British Columbia.

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Territorial Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that we are living and working with humility and respect on the traditional territories of the First Nations peoples of British Columbia.

We specifically acknowledge and express our gratitude to the keepers of the lands of the ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations, where our main office is located.

We also recognize Métis people and Métis Chartered Communities, as well as the Inuit and urban Indigenous peoples living across the province on various traditional territories.